Dr. Hammer







Life coaching services in Calgary and all of Alberta

Chris Hammer, Ph.D., is a certified professional coach and licensed psychologist who is passionate about working with people who are inspired to create more meaning and fulfillment in their lives. He enjoys working with people who take charge of their own choices and growth, and believes that clarity of intention and purposeful behaviour leads to powerful results.

In addition to his coaching services Chris has been the clinical director of a wellness-based company with clinics in Alberta and BC, and he has worked for many years as a mental health consultant to family physicians. Chris has delivered numerous Organizational Health and Training seminars and programs to companies in the Calgary area, and is a graduate of Leadership Calgary: a Community Leadership development program focused on the cultivation of wise and responsible leadership.

Chris has worked with many individuals in a number of personal goal areas; as well as through leadership coaching contracts with organizations including AMEC, IHS Energy, EnCana Corporation, Government of Alberta, and Talisman Energy, among others.